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7 Reasons Why Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Are a Better Choice Than Quarry Stones for Construction

When it comes to building a house or any other structure, the materials used play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, durability, and overall quality of the finished product. One of the most important decisions you will make as a builder or homeowner is choosing the right building materials. In this blog post, we will discuss why Makiga interlocking soil blocks are an excellent choice for construction over quarry stones.

What Are Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks?

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are a type of building material made from compressed earth, cement, and water. The blocks are designed to interlock with each other, eliminating the need for mortar or cement to hold them in place. The blocks are also designed to be easy to manufacture and use, making them a popular choice for both professional builders and do-it-yourselfers.

Advantages of Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks


One of the primary advantages of Makiga interlocking soil blocks is that they are a cost-effective building material. Compared to quarry stones, which must be mined and transported, Makiga blocks can be made on-site using local materials. This reduces the cost of transportation and eliminates the need for heavy machinery, which can be expensive to rent or purchase.

Environmentally Friendly

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are an environmentally friendly building material. They are made from locally available materials, which reduces the environmental impact of transportation. Additionally, because the blocks are made from earth, they are sustainable and do not contribute to deforestation or other environmental problems associated with traditional building materials.

Easy to Install

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are designed to be easy to install. They interlock with each other, eliminating the need for mortar or cement to hold them in place. This means that even those with little or no building experience can use them to construct high-quality structures. The blocks are also lightweight, which makes them easy to handle and maneuver into place.

Durable and Long-Lasting

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are extremely durable and long-lasting. They are resistant to weather, fire, and pests, making them an ideal choice for construction in areas prone to natural disasters. The blocks are also designed to absorb and distribute loads evenly, which reduces the risk of cracking or damage over time.


Makiga interlocking soil blocks are a versatile building material. They can be used to construct a wide range of structures, including homes, schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings. They can also be used to build retaining walls, fences, and other structures that require stability and durability.

Why Choose Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Over Quarry Stones?

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Are More Cost-Effective

Compared to quarry stones, Makiga interlocking soil blocks are a more cost-effective building material. Quarry stones must be mined, transported, and processed before they can be used in construction. This adds to the cost of the material, as well as the cost of transportation and heavy machinery. Makiga blocks, on the other hand, can be made on-site using local materials, reducing the cost of transportation and heavy machinery.

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Are More Environmentally Friendly

Quarry stones are not an environmentally friendly building material. They must be mined, which can be harmful to the environment and can contribute to deforestation and other environmental problems. Additionally, quarry stones must be transported to the construction site, which adds to the carbon footprint of the project. Makiga interlocking soil blocks, on the other hand, are made from locally available materials and are sustainable, reducing the environmental impact of the project.

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Are Easier to Install

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are designed to be easy to install. They interlock with each other, eliminating the need for mortar or cement to hold them in place. This means that even those with little or no building experience can use them to construct high-quality structures. The blocks are also lightweight, which makes them easy to handle and maneuver into place.

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Are More Versatile

Makiga interlocking soil blocks are a versatile building material. They can be used to construct a wide range of structures, including homes, schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings. They can also be used to build retaining walls, fences, and other structures that require stability and durability. Quarry stones, on the other hand, are limited in their use and are typically used for foundations and walls.

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Offer Better Insulation

Makiga interlocking soil blocks provide better insulation than quarry stones. They have a higher thermal mass, which means that they can absorb and store heat during the day and release it at night, keeping the interior of the structure warm. This reduces the need for artificial heating and cooling, which can save energy and reduce the cost of utility bills.

Makiga Interlocking Soil Blocks Can Be Made in Any Size

Makiga interlocking soil blocks can be made in any size, which allows builders to create custom structures that meet the specific needs of the project. Quarry stones, on the other hand, are limited in their size and shape, which can restrict the design options available to builders.


Makiga interlocking soil blocks are a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, durable, easy-to-install, versatile, and well-insulating building material. They offer a wide range of benefits over quarry stones, including lower cost, reduced environmental impact, and greater design flexibility. Makiga blocks can be used to construct a wide range of structures, from homes to schools to commercial buildings, making them a popular choice for builders and homeowners alike. If you are considering building a structure, consider using Makiga interlocking soil blocks for a high-quality, sustainable, and long-lasting result.


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